Luck is a Lady Page 5
"I do too kiss better than a whore,” she sniffed.
Hearing her, Justin groaned. She was thinking about that? Still? He sighed. She was right. He really was a bastard. He walked through the wall, pulling out a handkerchief as he went.
She gave a little scream. “Damn it, Captain! You scared the hell out of me."
He gave a repentant grin. “Sorry.” He held out the hanky. “And I mean that about more than scaring you."
Lara's eyes narrowed, but she took the proffered handkerchief and dabbed at her tears. “What?"
Justin sat on the corner of the desk. “I'm sorry for what I said the other night. It was uncalled for."
"You're right about that."
He grinned down at her. “You pack a pretty good punch."
A smile touched her lips. “You deserved it."
"Just so you know, you kiss a hell of a lot better than a two dollar whore."
Lara reddened, but sniffed. “I'll have to take your word on that since you're the only one in the room who's kissed both of us."
He chuckled at her wit. “We got off on the wrong foot, you and me."
"Not my fault. I wanted to play nice."
"You're right,” Justin agreed. “Can we start over?"
She stilled. “Why are you being so sweet to me?"
He sighed under his breath. She didn't trust him and rightly so. “I've been told by the others it isn't fair to blame you for what Bridget did.” He shrugged. “I guess you could say we are all tired of fighting."
Lara's eyes widened. “Are you telling me you're giving up this vendetta you have against my family?"
Justin gritted his teeth. Saying it out loud was even more difficult than thinking it. “It ... it won't be easy for me. After one hundred years I've gotten in the habit of hating. But I promise...” He met Lara's dark eyes sincerely. “I will try."
Lara stared at him for a long moment. She wanted to believe him, but her natural born caution made her hesitate. She was so used to things going wrong for her the thought of something going right was almost scary.
She looked at his beautiful sea blue eyes. There were shadows there she might never fully understand. He'd been through hell. Though now he sounded like he wanted to make up for what he had done to her family.
The bottom line was she wanted to trust him. More than she probably should. But if he could help her fix up The Lucky Lady so it could be a home both of them could be proud of, then why was she waiting? Trusting him might not be easy, but it was the only way.
She stuck out a hand. “Then okay ... Let's give it a shot."
Like before, he took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Agreed."
Her gaze met his and she smiled. “I'm glad, Captain. I really am."
Her smile made him hungry for her all over again. “As am I.” He scooted closer on the desk. “I want to help you in any way I can."
"You do?” She lifted a dark eyebrow skeptically.
He bent over her, his eyes on her parted mouth. “I do."
Just as he was ready to touch his lips to her, she grinned. “Then what do you think about automating all the electronics?"
He blinked. “What?"
Lara bit back a laugh and tried to look innocent. She had a feeling she was playing with fire. The attraction between them was hot enough to feel. There was a part of her that wanted to throw caution to the wind and do what her body was craving. Her cheeks heated at the thought of making love to him here, on her own desk. She dragged her wayward thoughts back with an effort. She couldn't believe she was thinking about having sex with a ghost.
But he felt so damn ... solid.
She blushed and brought her thoughts back to business. “I'm saying right now someone has to go around and manually turn on each of the machines as soon as we cross the three mile barrier into international waters."
Justin narrowed his eyes, wondering at the redness of her cheeks. Then his mind snagged on her question. “So?"
"Going around to each machine is time consuming and it costs us gambling dollars. Terry, the slot key supervisor says it can take up to twenty minutes to get all the machines on. That's twenty minutes of time someone could be feeding money into the machine, but aren't."
He immediately saw what she meant. “And so we're losing money."
She nodded and tapped at the paper in front of her. “This much, every night."
Looking to where she was pointing, he whistled. “Damn."
"The automation will cost us, but in the long run, it will pay for itself. I think we should do it."
Justin thought for a moment. The fact she asked his opinion warmed him. “I'm not up on the technical aspects of gambling, but the facts are right there on the paper.” He grinned at her. “Sounds like a great idea to me."
She smiled back at him and their eyes met. Suddenly, the room became very, very warm. Lara felt her heart beat quicken. Unthinkingly, she licked her dry lips.
Justin groaned. The heat in his body went to flash point in just seconds. He tried to concentrate on the business at hand, but when Lara swayed toward him unconsciously, he was lost.
Catching her up in his arms, he pulled her to him, reveling in the softness of her body against his. His mouth came down on hers as greedily as it had the first time; his tongue plunging inside to sup from the sweetness he now knew was there.
Her taste was even more erotic to him this time around. He groaned low in his throat, knowing he needed her, curse or not. He wrapped his hands in her hair, holding her still so he could make love to her mouth. His tongue stroked in and out showing her what he really wanted to do to her body.
Lara trembled at the sudden assault, but she couldn't find it in her to pull away. Ghost or not, she really didn't care anymore. Her entire being was caught up in him. From the strength of his arms, to the taste of his mouth. The more he touched her, the closer she wanted to be. She wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling the feminine triumph when he shuddered beneath her hands.
Her hands massaged his back, finding hard rippling muscles. She pulled his shirt out of his waistband and slid her hands underneath delighting in the sculpted feel of his warm flesh. Loving the feel of him, she held him tighter.
God ... she felt good. Was it only because he'd been without so long? Or was it that she was special? Justin didn't know and he didn't much care. His cock was throbbing so hard it hurt, and he could already feel it dampening his union suit with pre cum.
His hands moved over her, feeling the curves of her body, aching to do more. He ran a hand up her slender thigh and under the short skirt she was wearing. His groan mingled with her gasp as he cupped the moist, hot, mound between her legs.
With a growl, he laid her back on her messy desk and ripped the wet panties right off of her.
Lara cried out in shock. Justin's eyes were so dark with need they were almost black. Leaning over her, he looked like a fallen angel with his tousled hair and intense face. His mouth came down on hers again as he began massaging his fingers through the small thatch of hair on her mound.
She moaned and allowed him to spread her legs apart, lost to the feelings he was building in her. Never before had she wanted a man so intensely. When a callused finger speared into her, she cried out again.
Justin groaned at the feel of her heated slick channel around his finger. She was so hot ... so wet ... he almost exploded right then and there. It had been too long for him to muster much control and she was ready, he could feel it. He couldn't wait much longer or his cock would have permanent impressions of buttons up its length.
He ripped open his pants, uncaring of what would happen to them. The pinging of a falling button was heard, but all he could think about was burying himself deep inside of her. He struggled for a moment with the fastenings of the underwear, but it wasn't long until he freed himself.
When Lara felt his long hard cock rub against her naked thigh she moaned again. His finger conti
nued its sensuous dance deep in her wet yoni and she could feel passion curling in a hot tight band low in her stomach. Sensation licked at her nerve endings.
When he moved between her thighs, she gasped out loud. It was her fantasy, come true, but suddenly she was nervous. What if someone were to come in? She tore her mouth away from his. “No! Not here!"
Justin stiffened slightly, raising his head. His hot eyes burned down at her. “Whatever the lady wishes,” he growled. He pulled his finger from her body, swept her up in his arms and dropped to his knees, laying her on the floor. Coming down on top of her he muttered. “Easier this way, anyway."
Lara almost laughed. “Not ... what I meant,” she breathed. His hot mouth nibbled gently at her throat as his hand began another foray up her skirt to the aching flesh he'd loved before. “Someone might ... come in."
"They wouldn't dare,” he muttered. “Don't worry.” He kissed her soundly. “I can see through walls, remember?"
Lara relaxed a little. “How about clothes?"
Justin grinned as he pushed her skirt up out of his way. “Unfortunately that isn't a gift we Ethereals have."
Lara giggled, but then gasped as his fingers found the small nubbin of desire between her folds. “Oh God...” She arched instinctively against him.
His eyes flared. With one movement, he pulled the t-shirt she was wearing over her head. His breath caught as he gazed down at the swells of flesh revealed by the dark blue lacy bra she wore. He cock throbbed when he saw the darkness of her nipples showing through.
"Oh God, sweetheart,” Justin groaned. “You are going to kill me. I definitely like these modern clothes.” With a quick flick of his finger, he undid the front fastening and her breasts spilled out. “Really like them,” he said hoarsely. “So much easier than unlacing a corset. Creations of the devil they were."
He ran his hand up from where it was sweetly torturing her clit and used both hands to cup her breasts. “A man likes to see a woman. And this is a much better view than I've had in the past."
Her eyes narrowed. “You look at other women? The guests?"
He grinned. “They can't see me. And it's never much. It's not like they undress here. I've only seen a few ... adjustments. In the ladies powder room."
"It's all right, sweetheart. No one holds a candle to you."
"That's not what I meant,” she huffed. “Promise me you won't do it again."
He groaned. “Ahhh, you'll take away all my fun."
"Justin,” she warned.
He pretended to look sad. “All right. But I better be compensated for my sacrifice.” He dropped a kiss on both pointed nipples.
Lara's breath came quickly. “You're seeing me now."
His mouth quirked up at the corner. “I'll do more than see.” With that last comment, he bent and sucked one of her dark nipples into his mouth.
She cried out and arched herself up against him. His tongue flicking against the extended berry sent shockwaves of sensation spearing through her. She couldn't help but writhe under him, trying to get closer.
Sweat broke out on Justin's forehead. He'd been able to slow down a little, but her natural sensuality was his undoing. He needed her. Now! Transferring his mouth to the other breast, he treated it to the same sweet torment as he moved himself between her thighs. As gently as his lust would allow him, he spread her thighs and pushed into her.
She was even hotter now, and though she was wet and willing, he was a big man and it took several strokes before he could even get partially inside. He lifted one of her legs, bending it so her knee rested against the outside of his hip. With that, he was able to ease in a little further. She held him like a fist, so tightly he had to grit his teeth against her breast so he wouldn't explode before he was even able to get fully within her.
Lara's eyes flew open at the feel of him. He was larger than she'd expected and it had been a while for her, too. Could she do this? His panting breaths filled the room and she could tell he was struggling not to hurt her in his overwhelming desire. That knowledge made her relax even more and with a loud groan, he slipped totally inside of her.
They both lay still for a moment, enjoying the feel of the other. But that didn't last long. Their need for each other was too great. Justin knew as soon as he started moving it would be all over, so he reached down between their bodies and pressed his thumb against the small throbbing flesh nestled in her curls.
Heat poured through her. Lara muffled her cry against his shoulder and her hips bucked against him.
That was all it took. Lights flashed behind Justin's eyes. All the heat in his body shot straight to his cock. With a loud shout, he began thrusting in and out of her, every stroke feeding the passion he'd so long been denied. Out of control, he pounded against her, barely able to think as his orgasm built within him.
Lara held on, glorying in the knowledge she was responsible for his losing control. His wicked finger rubbed against her clit and her yoni wept in its own need. All the desire she'd been feeling danced in her groin until, without warning, it exploded.
Lights and color filled her mind as she spun into a mind blowing climax. Her body shook and shivered, and the feeling of Justin's body moving in and out of her own made the sensations even stronger.
She opened her mouth to scream, but his lips covered hers, swallowing the cry. Writhing beneath him, she felt she would die from the pleasure.
Justin barely had the forethought to cover her scream with a kiss before he gave in to his own orgasm. His cock swelled and throbbed, and then burst deep inside of her warmth as he groaned out her name. He shuddered with the strength of his climax, knowing one hundred year dry spell or not ... this was the best sex he had ever had.
Collapsing on top of her, he barely had the strength to prop himself up on his elbows so as not to crush her. They were still breathing hard as they tried to recover.
Lara came slowly back to herself, her cheeks heating when she realized what she had done. Fantastic sex or not, she had never done something so foolhardy before. Giving in to lust had never been high on her priority list. Unprotected sex? On the floor? Where anyone could have walked in on them?
And don't forget the part about her lover being a ghost. A ghost she wasn't sure she could trust and who might still hate her guts. Even if he did seem to lust after her body.
She groaned. Oh God ... what had she done?
Justin enjoyed the feeling of her soft body beneath his. His own was satiated for the moment, but he knew he'd have to have her again. If this was how he could break the curse, it would be a most pleasurable task.
But Lara seemed to be uncomfortable. The tell tale stiffening of her body told its own story. While she'd enjoyed their love making before, now it seemed she was embarrassed by her actions.
But he couldn't afford to alienate her now. Too much rested on it. Lifting his head, he nibbled gently on her ear. “You make me feel alive again. Thank you."
Lara shut her eyes. Her heart leapt within her breast. She had at least given him that. “I ... I don't know what to say."
Justin looked down at her. “Say I pleased you too?"
Her lips quivered into a smile. “You did. You know that."
"I'm glad.” He bent his head back to hers for a gentle kiss. “You are so soft, so beautiful."
She could feel him hardening in her again and she gasped. “I can't. Not again."
He groaned. “Why?"
"Let me up, Captain. Please."
It was the panicked note in her voice that made him obey. Gently he pulled out of her and rolled off. He tried to take her into his arms, but she moved away, climbing to her feet and smoothing down her skirt.
"Lara?” He frowned at her lack of response. He stood also, tucking himself back inside his union suit and pants. “What is wrong? You called me Justin before."
She turned away, trying to refasten her bra, but the hook kept leaping out of her shaky fingers. Finally after watching her third
attempt he cursed lightly and turned her to face him. He brushed away her hands.
"Let me."
Deftly he refastened the small hook and eye then straightened the lace that covered her soft breasts. Then he lifted her chin with one finger. “You won't even look at me now?"
She flushed, her whole body turning red. “I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this."
Justin thought briefly of Bridget. She would have still been lying on the floor in utter abandonment even if there were others in the room. No, he was learning Lara was nothing like that witch. He traced Lara's cheek gently.
"I beg to differ. I think you were very good."
Lara went even redder. “I mean ... this. This whole thing. I'm sorry. We can't do this again. It's not right."
Now it was he who stiffened. “Why? Why isn't it right?"
She bit her lip. “I know I was a willing participant and I did enjoy it, but I can't do this. You and I don't have a future together."
"We live on the same damn boat,” he said his temper sparking at her words.
She met his gaze with unflinching eyes. “But we don't really, do we? I'm a human and you're a ghost. You aren't alive at all.
Chapter Five
Her comment haunted Justin over the next several days. He'd lost his temper with her that day, telling her she was a child who needed to grow up. Then he'd turned and stomped out of the office.
He'd left her alone the whole next day, his anger in direct proportion to his need to have her in his arms again. But then, when he happened to see her struggling to understand what the mechanic who was upgrading the boat engine was saying, he couldn't bear to stay away any longer.
He'd materialized next to her, but other than a small jump of surprise and a slight flushing of the cheeks, she did nothing. When the mechanic tried to tell her she needed a whole new engine that would cost a fortune, he spoke to her, telling her the man was trying to con her.
Lara had met his eyes and smiled, telling him without words she understood. Justin fed her the words to say to the dishonest mechanic, laughing at the man's surprise that Lara knew so much about engines.